Privacy Bounty Hunters, Part I: The Risks Are Real
David Bertoni / 0 CommentsAs I’ve written previously, if you sell anything online, it’s not a question of if—it’s when privacy bounty hunters will comes calling, accusing your company of violating anti-wiretapping or privacy laws. “The better part of valor is discretion,” as Shakespeare said, and now is the time to act. You can take proactive steps to reduce your risk,...
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Brann & Isaacson Wins Summary Judgment for NaviStone in Pennsylvania
David Swetnam-Burland / 0 CommentsOn June 17, 2021, U.S. District Judge William S. Stickman IV of the Western District of Pennsylvania granted a motion for summary judgment filed by David W. Bertoni, David Swetnam-Burland, and Eamonn Hart on behalf of their client, NaviStone, Inc., which had been accused of violating the Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act (or...
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