Former Price Promotions, Current Legal Risk


Former price promotions, you say? Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. This isn’t just a quote from Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr or a line from Circumstances by Rush. It’s also a fitting description of the risks associated with California’s thorny and potentially unconstitutional Business & Professions Code § 17501. The combination of this statute and avaricious lawyers is...

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Web Arbitration Clauses: Federal Court Upholds “Terms of Use”


On June 7, 2019, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois ruled in favor of retailer Wayfair LLC, and its parent company, Wayfair Inc., in a decision that both (1) upholds a web arbitration agreement and (2) provides useful guidance in presenting “terms of use” to website shoppers. What can we...

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Plain Meaning: Conservative Judges Reining In the FTC?


In recent decisions analyzing the plain meaning of the FTC Act, two federal district courts have held that the FTC cannot file suit under § 53(b) of the Act where the alleged misconduct has ceased.  If upheld on appeal, the impact of these cases could be extraordinary.

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