Indiana “Economic Presence” Nexus Law Suspended Pending Litigation
David Swetnam-Burland / 0 CommentsOn August 28, 2017, the Indiana Department of Revenue acknowledged that it has no authority to enforce Indiana’s new “economic presence” nexus statute (House Enrolled Act 1129) as a result of ongoing litigation regarding the law’s constitutionality now pending in state Superior Court in Indianapolis. Under the new law, which took effect on July 1,...
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George Isaacson Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee
David Swetnam-Burland / 0 CommentsOn July 25, 2017, Senior Partner George Isaacson gave testimony to the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law of the House Judiciary Committee in Washington, DC. His subject was state regulatory overreach and its negative impact on American business and consumers. In his testimony, available here, Isaacson addressed the increasing problem of extra–territorial...
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ACMA and NetChoice Prevail In Challenge To Massachusetts Tax Rule For Internet Sellers
David Swetnam-Burland / 0 CommentsOn June 28, 2017, in response to a lawsuit filed by Brann & Isaacson on behalf of the American Catalog Mailers Association and NetChoice, the Massachusetts Superior Court entered an immediate judgment halting implementation of Massachusetts Department of Revenue Directive 17–1, “Requirement that Out-of-State Internet Vendors with Significant Massachusetts Sales Must Collect Sales or Use...
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Brann & Isaacson Files Challenge To Massachusetts Rule Targeting Internet Retailers
David Swetnam-Burland / 0 CommentsOn Friday, June 9, 2017, American Catalog Mailers Association and NetChoice filed suit against the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Revenue to block implementation of a Massachusetts rule, due to go into effect on July 1, 2017, under which certain Internet retailers without any physical presence in Massachusetts would nonetheless be required to collect...
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Substantial Nexus Under Siege: Industry Fights Back!
David Bertoni / 0 CommentsMartin Eisenstein and David Bertoni have published their latest blog for members of the American Catalog Mailers Association: The Industry Is Fighting Back. The blog goes over each of the major battlefronts in the states’ multi-pronged effort to overturn the long-settled Commerce Clause rule of “substantial nexus,” which requires that companies have a physical presence...
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Quill: Rumors of Its Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
David Bertoni / 0 CommentsIn their latest Legal Corner blog for the American Catalog Marketing Association, partners Martin Eisenstein and David Bertoni report on the multi-front efforts by states to convince the public that Quill’s physical presence requirement is no longer good law or to attack it through burdensome notice and reporting obligations. The blog updates direct marketers on...
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