Maine Law Court Sides with Lewiston in Major Code Enforcement Case
In an important case addressing municipal code enforcement, the Maine Law Court issued its opinion in City of Lewiston v. William Verrinder, on May 31, 2022, ruling on all issues in favor of the City of Lewiston, represented by partners Michael Carey and Peter Brann. The City took code enforcement action against the defendant for violations of city ordinances governing improper trash disposal and building maintenance, and prevailed in the Superior Court. On appeal, the Law Court agreed with the City that the lower court had properly entered judgment for the City on undisputed facts after the defendant failed to take a mandatory administrative appeal. On the amount of the penalty assessed, the Law Court also agreed with Carey and Brann’s argument that the penalties assessed had to be imposed consecutively, not concurrently. Accordingly, the Court remanded the case to the Superior Court to enter a judgment imposing total civil penalties of $39,000.